Our Idaho family is on its way!

 First time in 18 months....And we are ready!

First time all 4 littles will sleep in the same room. 

I found a Cinderella sleeping bag left here 
from cousin Scarlett years ago...
I'm hoping this will help Daisy feel more at home. 

I think this will be the first time the parents have slept at our house without a baby in their room for the past nearly 10 years!
Soon after their arrival, Karen and Tyler 
will push these twin beds together. 
It's tradition now. 

Last time they were here Daisy was a "baby"....barely a year old.
Now she's 2 1/2 and I don't want to offend by the baby towel.
So thanks to Amazon a big kid towel is on it's way.... 

Uncle Brock set up our light and music show 
for when we have "special restaurant night" in our dining room. 

We have a little playdough center set up.
(AKA no room for table in bedrooms this week) 

Grandpa Dennis busy putting new batteries in all the talking birds. 

Juliet (age 5 now) had been talking to us for 18 months about these birds. At one point during the pandemic she wanted them so badly 
she said, "I'll ask my parents to drop me off."

The kids have asked through the past 18 months to see their birds multitude of times. Juliet never forgets how she decorated hers.

Lots of treats in our freezers, and this one I made today.
I dare say, this is upside down.

Got some fresh flowers at the Farmer's Market last week. I put them in a vase without water and they will last a year. I know, I didn't believe it either. But it worked last year. 
(and of course only works with this type of flower)

I also put some in the parents' bedroom.

Our fridge and freezers are stocked and ready. 

Extra apples all washed, and drying off before they go in the fridge.

Also excited for Karen to help me with this!
She gave it to me for Mother's Day. 
If I have any hope of tomatoes, I need her to get me started right.
She's the expert.

And this book...can't wait to read it to them.

I'll report back. Eventually.


Richard said...

That upside down dessert tray gave me vertigo. Hope you have a wonderful visit!

Unknown said...

Looks like you will have a fun time. Tell them all hello for me. Enjoy your family.

Anonymous said...

Your home is gorgeous, a real showpiece! I can appreciate the work you have done and the love in each special touch to prepare for Tyler and family. Looking forward to your next post. pjc

Richard: if you stand on your head, the dessert tray is perfect.

Grandma Honey said...

With 4 very happy healthy active kids here this week, our home looks quite different now from the pictures haha. But we don't care! We are happy they are here and it's all more than worth it.

Look what happened last night

  Just a little pre-graduating gathering for our DIL Amy.... Not everyday a Mom of 7 and a Grandma of 7, graduates from college. It was not ...