This sheltering in is getting old....

The toughest part of it is missing our grandkids.

So I've left a few things out all these months...

Sort of like pretending they will be here tomorrow. 

When the pandemic first began last March, 

I found this little sleeping beauty person under a couch cushion,
and then decided to put it where I can see it everyday.
Or is that the Fairy Godmother? I really don't know.

It reminds me of all our real little people in our life,
who we just can't see in person right now. 

I don't know which one of our grands left it in the couch.

The bath boat waiting for their return. 

That new bottle of Johnson's Baby Shampoo 
I bought last February?
It'll just have to wait. 

So will the empty lonely towel hooks.

Such a strange time.
I think this is the first time ever the battery in my car went dead from not using it.

And I never thought I'd take up decorating the garage...

But once I put up my Dad's picture, 
it only seemed right to put the 10 commandments above it.

He use to say the most pleasant people he knew, 
kept the commandments. 

This is what is we look forward to all week...

Having our home church. 

When churches were first closed back in March,
The governor said we could still be reverent at home.

I'm not sure if he was saying that flippantly.
Or what.
But it's true. 
We can worship God in our own homes. 
As soon as one of us says the prayer, I can feel His spirit with us.
I can feel a peace that can only come from Him. 

We sing 3 hymns, and we study our scriptures together, 
sharing what comes to our minds and hearts.

Jesus Christ is the LIGHT of the world. 

I hope our grands will love our new picture!


Anonymous said...

Funny I have this same picture in my living room because I believe you gave it to me! I love the way you put the commandments next to Dad's picture! Love this post!

grandmapeg said...

I absolutely LOVE this post! I love all of the reminders of your grandkids that you have kept up.

Look what happened last night

  Just a little pre-graduating gathering for our DIL Amy.... Not everyday a Mom of 7 and a Grandma of 7, graduates from college. It was not ...