Our unusual friendship

I have a very dear friend Pam, in Addison, Michigan and it's her birthday today!
Our meeting, or rather our lack of meeting, is the unusual part. We began writing letters back in 1973....or was it 1972? I'm not exactly sure, but about 35 years ago. She was already married with one little baby boy. I was still single but I may have been engaged. If not, I became engaged shortly after those first letters began going back and forth across the US.

We shared everything through letters, and occasional phone calls....our pregnancies, raising babies, then raising children and adult children, and now we both have grandchildren. Pam is such a loyal, good friend. It does not feel at all like we have not met in person. Our lives are so intertwined. She is family to me. She even reads The Rozier Times. She requests it!
Pam with her grandson Gavin
Pam is very tender hearted. She will keep track of my life sometimes better than I do. Through good times and hard times, she is always right there sending cards and notes and expressing her concern, or celebrating our joys. A true friend in every sense of the word.

Happy Birthday Pam!!!!


Ashley said...

That is so neat that you have someone that is such a good fiend far away that you write to! How did you guys begin writing eachother? And you have never met eachother?

Grandma Honey said...

I really can't remember how we found each other through the mail. A friend of a friend? I'm not sure and it was so long ago. It was about 1973. No we have never met. Thanks Ashley!

Ashley said...

Thats cool. You guys should meet!! That would be such a good story to tell.

grandmapeg said...

You guys should really plan to meet in person, although after 35 years, I'm sure you feel as though you have met in person. I'm sure she feels the same about you!

Jack's proud moment

Jack could hardly believe his good fortune  when they put the 4 year olds in charge of the fire!