Our friend has changed his mind

There is SO much controversy about wearing masks. 

We have a friend who didn't want to wear a mask. I'll call him Mike. Then for whatever reason Mike thought one day he should. So he began wearing one at work.

However, there were two people at work who didn't wear masks. Those two people also didn't know they had COVID, until they were tested later.

Mike is now in the hospital with COVID, quite sure where he got it. His doctors have asked him lots of questions, and when Mike explained that FIVE people at his work now have it, they became angry. They said his work place should be shut down. 

Mike said he use to play down COVID, thinking it wasn't that big of a deal. Now he knows it's a big deal. His doctors say yes, it's real, and it's here and it's a big deal. 

Mike says it's hard, and it's lonely. The only people he sees are ones wearing Star Wars looking costumes. We asked him today on the phone if they come in frequently to check on him. Mike answered, "Frequently is an understatement." We were relieved to know they are taking good care of him. 

He was diagnosed last Wednesday and had no symptoms. By Saturday he was quite sick. His oxygen stats were low and his left lung was only operating at 25% capacity. 

If only everyone at work were wearing a mask, our friend wouldn't be suffering so much now. 

Read the latest. Sad, because it didn't have to be this way.


Anonymous said...

Why is he in the hospital if he has no symptoms?


Grandma Honey said...

He had no symptoms the day he was tested positive.He was tested because he was getting ready to have a surgery which of course was then cancelled. He soon become very sick and was admitted to the hospital 3 days later. He said this virus acts really fast.

Grandma Honey said...

Darlene...Reading over my post I can see where it sounded like he was admitted with no symptoms. So I just changed that. Thanks for letting me know.

Anonymous said...

Saying prayers for 'Mike" and his family/friends/medical staff/those around him known and unknown. I'm thankful he is receiving excellent care and we pray he recovers fully.

Thank you for your post. Even if it raises one person's awareness, it is a good thing.

Yes, this virus is unlike any before. It does not discriminate. I found out last night that one of our Amish friends tested positive early June. She is near our age, with no underlying health concerns, and she said she was flat out down 3 days in bed the sickest she has ever been in her life and another 7 days before she felt human again. She is now a mask wearer.

My mask(s) has become part of my wardrobe! I wear it proudly.

krheasley said...

It's hard to believe something until you can see it, right? The thing that is so frustrating to me is how hard it is to separate information from disinformation and fear-mongering and political maneuvering. It's hard to figure out which sources you can trust!
So with all of that in mind, I feel like I would rather err on the side of caution. I'll happily wear a mask to protect my community and try to be a part of the solution. It seems to me that it is better to err this way rather than be part of the reason we cannot shut this virus down.

I'm very sorry for your friend. I hope he is able to recover soon. And I'm glad that you and Dennis are being so careful--even though I am sure you guys are going a little stir-crazy.

Grandma Honey said...

Thanks Karen. I know what you mean. So much conflicting info out there. I try to stick with the science and listen to doctors and nurses who are serving on the front line of all this. Their agenda is to keep us well so they can go home to their own families, and not have the hospitals so overwhelmed that they can't keep functioning.

"Mike" told us today that all 6 of the workers at his office got Covid. And one of the ladies who said, "I'm not wearing a mask," is back at work now and she's wearing one.

In hindsight (which is always easy) I think it would have better had we never shut down but instead went right to mandatory mask wearing and social distancing in public until we get a cure or a vaccine (which will no doubt come.) But even the "experts" are human and on a learning curve.

Look what happened last night

  Just a little pre-graduating gathering for our DIL Amy.... Not everyday a Mom of 7 and a Grandma of 7, graduates from college. It was not ...