I don't think she liked it, but not sure.

So while my hair girl was painting low lights through my hair, we were both talking about the fires in Paradise, Ca. We traded stories we'd heard from both the media, or people we knew who had been there.

I told her one story I read on the news that she knew nothing about, and that's where the conversation changed a bit.

It's about a bus driver who was at one of the elementary schools in Paradise, ready to leave when there were still 22 children whose parents could not get to them. The flames were near by and they had to go now, so he took all 22 children, plus a kindergarten teacher and a 2nd grade teacher and off they went in the school bus. 

There were flames and smoke surrounding them. The bus was so smokey it was hard to see, and the lungs of the kids were filling up with smoke. 

So the bus driver took off his shirt and tore it into pieces. He then took the only bottle of water on the bus, and wet down each piece of torn cloth. The 2 teachers on the bus helped each child put a piece of the wet shirt to their mouth and breathed through that. 

He said later that it seemed to help.

At one point they picked up a stranded preschool teacher from another school, along the way. 

It took 5 1/2 very scary hours to reach safety, and to very relieved parents, who most likely thought their children were gone forever.

As I'm telling this story to my hair girl we are chatting back and forth and we are both in awe over what happened and commenting what a hero the bus driver was.

Then I told her, "The news report said "at one point, they prayed." 

My hair girl went silent. Nothing. Long pause.

I thought, that's odd. 

So I said, "Those kids will always remember that they prayed to safety."

Still nothing. She had nothing else to say, and then changed the subject. 

I'm not sure if this means she does not believe in God, or if she was offended that I do. 

But I kept thinking of a little quote that I have on my fridge. The president of our church said it, just weeks ago:

She may not have any idea what Jesus Christ has done for HER. 

If you want to read the story just google, "bus driver from heaven." 


Anonymous said...

You have planted the seed; God will provide the nourishment to grow. And maybe go get your hair done again sooner than usual to continue the connection. pjc

grandmapeg said...

That story of the bus driver is great! What a hero! You did plant a seed as pjc wrote and just know that you also gave her something to ponder about.

Look what happened last night

  Just a little pre-graduating gathering for our DIL Amy.... Not everyday a Mom of 7 and a Grandma of 7, graduates from college. It was not ...