What he said about his Mom!

Delightful hanging out with Macie and Jacob one night last month. 

As you may remember, Macie became family when she was only four. That's when my son Logan married Amy. 

Macie is all grown up now, and sweet as ever. She and Jacob have been married 2 1/2 years, and I have never seen her happier. They are a matched set. 

So I said to her husband Jacob, "Tell me about your mother." 

I loved so much what he said, I turned my camera on and said, "Say that again." 

I was mostly kidding, but he didn't miss a beat and said just what he thought.... 

What he says about his Mom from Jill Shelley on Vimeo.


Pam C said...

Welcome back! My oh my, I have missed your posts very much. I could not watch the video but perhaps it is my phone. Will try on laptop later.

As always,
PJC from MI

Grandma Honey said...

I love seeing your comment here Pam! Thanks for taking the time.

Jack's proud moment

Jack could hardly believe his good fortune  when they put the 4 year olds in charge of the fire!