How to rescue a child in a tree when you're not there

 While having a nice little FaceTime chat with McKay in Montana, 
I asked to see the rest of the family.

So he took me outside, 
and handed the phone to 8 year old Annie.

She was so proud to show me the chicken coop her Dad made.

She even showed me the inside

I thought those were 2 little bedrooms for the chicks.

She said no, that is where they go lay their eggs.

And that white and red can...

it has a spigot so the chicks can get drinks of water. 

Scarlett loves her chicken, Wylie.

So does Jack! He named his, Batman. 
Or at least someone named him Batman. 
My guess is him.

Then Annie stopped filming for me right after this next shot. 
She said Jack was stuck in the tree and says he is 
"too little to get down."

I kept thinking of that scene in Pollyanna where she falls 
from the tree and breaks her leg.

Frustrated I couldn't help.

So I texted this to McKay:

Us out of town Grandmas try to get involved any way we can.

McKay came out and stood close to the tree,
 telling Jack he knew he could get down by himself.
That's why kids need Dads.

Then fast forward a few more days and 
I was talking to Annie on the phone. 
I asked what everyone was doing. 
So she took this one for me:

That picture reminds me SO much of McKay's Dad 
playing with him when he was little, minus the stairs. 

Annie also reported that Jack accidentally put a hole 
in Scarlett's Stuffy. 

So I asked, "Oh is that something Scarlett sleeps with every night? 

She said "Yes, would you like me to take a picture of her Stuffy?" 


Really? Isn't he a bit large to sleep with Scarlett? 
But I don't ask. 

I just enjoy being with Annie, 
and hearing about the Fam on a Saturday morning. 

A few hours after we hung up I looked at my phone and saw this:

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Jack's proud moment

Jack could hardly believe his good fortune  when they put the 4 year olds in charge of the fire!