Den's stroke at Vons

So this is how it happened. 
(If you don't like details, this is not the post for you. 😊)

It was Monday morning, Aug 19th. I was busy cleaning floors so I asked Den if he'd like to go to the store and pick up a few things.

Our 8 days of precious time with Karen, Tyler, Richie, Leo, Juliet, and Daisy had just ended 2 days before, and we needed to replenish some food.

When Den returned and was carrying in the groceries he casually mentioned what while at the store he kept "stumbling." That sounded odd and like nothing he had mentioned before. He said it kept happening. I said that doesn't sound right. He said, "I'm just out of shape. I need to get more exercise."

Then as he was walking from the kitchen to the family room, he stumbled and nearly fell about 3 times. 

I helped him sit down, and told him not to move. 

He then told me that he had a hard time lifting his right foot off the gas pedal and onto the brake on his drive home. Of course I said, "Why didn't you call me?? You shouldn't have tried driving home after all that stumbling!

He just said he was trying to ignore it and not focus on it. 

At this point I had no idea what was going on. 

I called Kaiser to see if I could get an appt that day. They said, no, but we could get in Wednesday, two days from then.

Meanwhile, Dennis is back up again and walking and stumbling all over the place. I thought, I don't know what's going on, but we're not waiting 2 days to find out.

I call Kaiser back and this time ask to speak to a nurse. I tell her the symptoms, and she says to hold on while she discusses this with the doctor. She gets back on and says the Dr wants me to take him to ER, right now. 

I asked her a few more questions and then she adds, "The doctor says this is serious. These could be stroke symptoms. Just get in the car and go to ER. And if he loses consciousness or quits breaking along the way, pull over and call 911."

So I helped Den out to the car in the garage as he is stumbling terribly and a few times came near to falling on top of me. I get him in there and off we go.

We got about 3 blocks from our home when Den says, "Why don't you take me home and call an ambulance instead?" Enough said, that's what I wanted all along...especially since the nurse mentioned that about going unconscious. 

I bring him back into the house, help him to the couch, and call 911. Then we wait. 

While sitting there on the couch we decided to pray that Dennis would be okay. That's all the words I could think of. But I knew Heavenly Father understood. 

Den now is worried the neighbors will hear the sirens, and that really embarrasses him. I said, don't worry, you know our neighbors never come outside. 

Finally the paramedics arrive and as soon as I open the door they say to me, "Are we here for you?" I almost laughed and wanted to say, "Do I look like the patient?" But I instead said, "No not me, my husband. He's sitting over there." 

They checked him out and off they went.

Den told me later that on the way to the hospital one of the paramedics said he didn't think it was a stroke. I kind of didn't think so either, because isn't a stroke suppose to just affect one side of the body?

So once Den was gone, and I knew he was in good hands, I proceeded to quickly pack food and water should we be at the hospital for awhile. Then I headed on over.

I was a bit nervous about it all, and I prayed a lot while I drove. I was feeling guilty that I had asked Den to do so much that morning. He had been extra tired for months. I should have known something was wrong.

While driving the 30 minutes to the hospital, I thought of a talk I'd heard several years ago, "Come What May and Love It." I decided whether I get to have Dennis with me for 10 more minutes, or 10 more years, I was going to cherish our time together and try not to stress about it. 

I also prayed that I could get a decent parking place. Kaiser is notorious for not having enough parking spaces. 

I feared I would be going round and round looking for somewhere to put my car. I just wanted to get inside quickly and be by my Dennis. 

As soon as I approached ER I spotted ONE empty parking space right close to the ER it was just waiting for me!

I hurried in. As soon as I was by his side a nurse, and then a doctor came to talk with me. They said they already gave Dennis a shot in his stomach...some kind of potent blood thinners they give to stroke patients, or in his case, potential stroke patient. 

I watched as they tested his legs and feet. It was then obvious it was just the right leg that was not working right. I then realized that when a person walks with one bum leg, it looks as though they are both not working. 

He also was confused, and some of the things he said didn't make sense. His voice was a little garbled. His right hand was shaking. 

Next up he had a CT scan of his brain. 

It came back negative which was a good sign. But they warned me they also needed to do an MRI before they could rule out stroke. 

If both the CT scan and the MRI were negative then it wasn't a stroke. Maybe a pinch nerve or some other odd thing, the Dr said, that was causing his right leg to flop around and not work right.

Den and I were calm and it was actually a sweet experience just being there together and watching all that was going on around us. 

At least twice while we were there, a doctor would stop by and say, "This is very serious." Apparently we didn't look worried enough. 

All of the ER nurses, aids, Drs at Kaiser were exceptional. I've been with many people in ERs through the years and never do I remember watching a patient being treated so well. 

Several hours into this an Asian male nurse came up to us and apologized that the light above us was shining so brightly into our eyes. He kept saying, "I am so sorry about that light. So sorry!" I hadn't even noticed it and told him so. Then he said, "You two are such a modest couple. Such a modest couple!" Modest apparently means something else to him than it does to us. But whatever, it was sweet he cared.

I can't drive after dark because I can't see well, so I had to leave by about 7pm. I was assured he would have his MRI soon and then be admitted to a room. 

Not to sound dramatic, but it was hard walking into our home and not having him with me, especially since we didn't know yet what the outcome of all this would be. 

It just didn't feel like my home without him in it.

Around midnight one of the nurses called to tell me the MRI did indeed show a stroke. I probably slept 3 hours at most that night. 

Den stayed from Monday afternoon until Thursday afternoon. The food was terrible, seriously it was. We were told it's made in San Francisco and shipped in trucks the next day. Each meal served to him had steamy plastic over it looking like a Swanson TV dinner. 

But other than that, he had exceptionally kind and attentive and funny nurses that kept us laughing. 

Oddly I did not realize until the last day we were there, that Den could hardly write his name, could not text and could not operate the TV remote. He just said his phone was broken and so was the remote. I thought it was! 

He also was confined to a bed with alarms that would go off if he attempted to get up by himself. A few times I got in bed with him to rest and when I got up, the alarms would loudly blare and in would walk a nurse or two. One of them would announce loudly, "Ah HAH! The wife was in bed with him!" Then we'd all laugh.

The progress Den continues to make each day is amazing! We were told it would take about 6 months to a year to recover but if he keeps recovering at this rate, it won't be nearly that long. 

Having said that, I don't mean to minimize all he is going through now. It's tough having your abilities and independence suddenly change significantly. He gets down, and he's frustrated. Baby steps, literally. 

I have more to tell...but for is an excerpt from the talk that I remembered, the one that gave me strength when I needed it.

Sometimes you just have to join them...

Going back in time about a week or so....

I think Leo (on the left) was the one who chose the music, 
and asked Alexa to play it. 

Then Richie and Juliet just had to dance. 
But Leo holds back for some reason. 

But then, love it how I see Leo's little shoulders start to move until 
he can contain it no longer and just has to join them....

Sometimes you just have to dance, 
even when you think you're going to sit that one out. 

They can't help but dance... from Jill Shelley on Vimeo.

A letter to Daisy

Dear Daisy,

I know you are our youngest and littlest grandchild....
you weren't even 8 months old last week when you were here.

But one of those days when I was going to see 
your Grandpa Dennis at the hospital, 
I noticed they already have a parking place 
with YOUR name on it.

I quickly texted your parents to let them know 
this great news!

And this is what your Mom texted back to me:

You'll get there little girl. Just keep trying.  

Nope, not a coincidence

I have to write about what happened Wednesday evening.

So after we were all packed and ready to go home from the 
hospital, the Dr came in and announced that Den had to stay 
because his echocardiogram showed a possible blood clot in his 

It was scary news to go home with, plus I was tired, so tired. I just 
wanted to get home and go to bed. But I thought I better stop and 
get gas in the car because my tank was near empty.

Problem is, I've pretty much not pumped my own gas for the past 
20 years, since I married Dennis. He takes care of all that for me.

But it had to be done and I thought how hard can it be? 
So I stop at the gas station near VONS, where we often shop. 

I started to pull up to one of the pumps but then I realized I didn't 
know which side of my car the nozzle goes in. So I drove off to the 
side to open the car door and take a look. 

Then I drive into one of the lines. Finally it's my turn so I pull the 
car close to the pumps. I get out and look everything over, and oh 
my things have changed the past 20 years! 

Gas even has different names than before. I chose the middle one. I 
figure that one couldn't be too wrong even if it's not exactly right. 

I get out my credit card, insert that, and then the little door to where 
the pump is to go would not open. I thought back 12 years to when 
we bought my car, and remembered there is a release somewhere 
inside it.

I go back into the car and look all around. I'm nervous because I 
could feel the car behind me getting mad. Not sure if they were but 
that's what I feared. 

I finally find the button in the car to release the tiny door for the pump. 

I insert the nozzle and it says "re-fueling" but nothing is happening. 
I couldn't get the nozzle back out again. 

In desperation, I see a young mom (kids were bouncing around in 
her suburban) in the next pump line over and ask her a question 
about it all. She says with a sweet voice, "Hold on a sec and I 
will be right there to help you." 

She comes right over and asks me questions about how much gas I 
want, etc. and proceeds to help. Then the car behind me (the one I 
thought was probably mad at me) jumps out of her car and comes 
over and says to the young mom, "I got this. I can help her. You 
go home."

She takes over and while I am standing there watching her I am 
over come by all this kindness of strangers. But they didn't act like 
strangers. They didn't even hesitate not one second but just jumped 
in to help. And, with smiles on their faces.

While this second lady was helping me I said to her, "Thank you 
so much. You are so kind. My husband had a stroke last 
Monday and he's in the hospital and he's always taken care 
of all this for me. It's been 20 years, and I just don't know 
how to do this anymore." 

She had the sweetest eyes and said, "This is so hard on you. You 
probably just have too many other things on your mind. Do 
you mind if I give you a hug?" 

Probably the first time ever someone hugged me at a gas station.

I had not cried since this all began on Monday, 
but I sure did right there at that gas station. 
I was crying so hard I could hardly talk. 

I know if I had friends or family in those lines they would have 
come helped me too. No doubt! But these two ladies didn't know 
me, knew they would never see me again, yet they helped me like 
we were related. 

There are good people in this world. But I also don't believe this 
was just a coincidence those two ladies were at "my" gas station 
precisely when I was there. God above, was sending me a message. 

Looking back over my life, in every hard time and challenge, the 
blessings come, there are tender mercies, and the angels show up! 
I've come to expect it. No, I don't always get everything I want. But 
I always get signs that He is there, and that He always will be. 

PS  Next morning, we got the great news that there is not a blood 
clot in Den's heart. Instead, the doctor calls it a harmless freckle. 
Who knew we could get freckles on our hearts.

So I got to take him home with me yesterday! 
My home once again feels like heaven on earth. 

(I thought of changing that last line above because it sounds sappy, 
but it's the truth, so it's staying.) 

It's been a long 3 days!

Dennis had a stroke on Monday morning, but he is recovering very well! 

He's still in the hospital and was suppose to be transferred to a rehab today. However, since he's made such great progress in such a short time, they canceled the rehab and instead he will have some PT at home, and then rehab later as an out patient. 

We are so hoping he gets to break out of the hospital tomorrow! 

The Dr thinks it will take about 6 months, and then best case scenario he will reach 95% recovery. We'll take that! 

We were actually all ready and packed to go home today, when the Dr appeared and said he needs to stay another night. Something on his echocardiogram does not look quite right. Hopefully it's nothing. 

We appreciate all the prayers that have been offered by many. Thank you SO much!!!!

A unique baptism day

Tyler and Karen packed up all 4 of their children, 
including 7 month old Daisy 
and drove about 12 hours all the way to California 
so we could be at Richie's baptism. 

No small task that trip was! 

And that's not all.

Karen's mom and her husband Jay flew all the way from Texas to 
California so they could be here too!

To say Dennis and I felt grateful, 
just does not express it enough.

Richie's baptism day felt sweet.
Really special. 

And since he was the only one being baptized that day,
it also had a feeling of a very homey FHE (Family Home Evening.) 

His cousin Elora lead the music.

His cousin Violet gave a talk about baptism.

The littlest baptism speaker I ever saw.

She told how very happy she felt when she was baptized 
just 6 months earlier.

After Richie was baptized by his father Tyler, 
and while we were waiting for those two to get dry 
and dressed again, we listened to piano music.

But that was not good enough for Richie's 6 year old brother Leo.

He took it upon himself to lead us all in song.

Leo was not being silly or showing off.
He just wanted to do this. 
So he did. 

After each piano song, 
Leo walked over to the piano player and chose the next song.

He did this about 5 times.
One of those times, someone in our small audience asked Leo,
"What song did you choose this time?"

He simply replied, "I don't know. I can't read."

One of the songs was, "I am a Child of God." 
Leo had us all singing along. 

Here was my 6 year old grandson leading us all in a song I had 
been singing since childhood!

I felt new perspective, new meaning to that beloved Primary song. 

Grandma Stacy gave a talk about the Holy Ghost.

Leo was by Richie's side when he got confirmed, too. 

And when Richie went around the circle hugging all the men who 
confirmed him, so did Leo!

When the bishopric counselor welcomed Richie as a new member 
of our church, Leo was right by his side.

Leo was so proud of his brother.
Richie could have said, "go sit down Leo, this isn't your baptism." 
but he didn't say that at all.

He seemed to appreciate Leo's love and support. 

So much love in that room!

I think everyone there could feel it.

Maybe even Daisy.

Thank you Karen, Tyler, Richie, Leo, Juliet, and Daisy, 
and also Grandma Stacy and Grandpa Dude 
for bring the baptism to us!

He explains how....

Last Sunday our Bishop quoted from the song, 
"I'm gonna hire a wino to decorate our home."

"I came crawling home last night, like many nights before:
I finally made it to my feet as she opened up the door.
And she said, "You're not going to do this anymore."

She said, "I'm gonna hire a wino to decorate our home.
So you'll feel more at ease here, and you won't have to roam.
We'll take out the dining table and put a bar along the wall
And a neon sign, to point the way, to our bathroom down the hall."

As our bishop said these words of course I'm thinking, 
where is he going with this?

But hold on, it makes sense.

He said we need to decorate our homes spiritually, by finding joy in our families so we can feel happy in our homes.

He said the way we do this is by going to the root by increasing 
our faith in God and then we will come to desire more peace, 
argue less, and hold our tempers. 

He also explained that in the home he grew up in they didn't have regular scripture study and family prayer, so when he tried to implement that in his home with his wife, it felt awkward and uncomfortable at first. 

But once they got through that awkward phase, and kept reading and praying together, then he could feel the blessings come as a family. 

And he said that is how we decorate our homes spiritually. 

Nothing could keep him away for long

Dennis has told me this story a few times through the years. 
And every time he does, I can see the emotion in his eyes, 
and hear it in his voice.

Back in the days he worked at LAPD, it was 60 miles from his 
home. Since it was LA, there was much talk about earthquakes, 
especially at the police department as you can imagine.  

He was concerned that a big one would strike while on duty and he 
would need to stay there working much longer than normal.  His 
concern would be his children back at home. 
(Kris, Kevin, Kim...Keith must have been with the one taking the picture.)

So one day he sat them all down and told them....If all the roads 
were closed and he could not get home by car, he would walk

Even if it would take him a few days
he wanted his 4 children to know that he would come home. 
He would eventually be there for them.

Then a couple weeks ago I heard this song on a Christian radio 
station. I doubt she's singing about earthquakes or coming home, 
but from the very first time I heard this I thought of Dennis and his 
fear back then of being separated from his children. 

Dennis' all time favorite picture of his babies. 

They are all in their 40s now.

We are understanding them a little better....

Ever since we moved here, Den and I have prayed that we would get to know our neighbors. 

I may have mentioned this before on here.

We have been here nearly 3 years now and not making much progress.

Or so I thought. 

Last Sunday our air conditioning suddenly went out. It was 107' outside that day and it was heating up quickly in here. I am such a wimp when it comes to being hot. 

I could go all winter with no heat and be fine, but it's hard for me going even one day without A/C. 

I decided to go to our Benchmark FB page...which is just comprised of our neighbors in this little subdivision.  

I explained our problem and asked if anyone had experienced anything similar with their A/C...since all our homes (and A/Cs) are about the same age. 

The response was overwhelming! 

One neighbor after another talked about how their capacitor went out last week or last month, etc. I practically was in tears reading one suggestion after another.

One good neighbor had an extra capacitor and came over and tried to install it, but it was the wrong size. He then said we were welcome to come sleep in their guest room.

Another showed a picture of a extra capacitor he had and asked if that was the right size.

One neighbor seemed concerned we would have to sleep in a hot house that night.

Still, I thought....where did all these people come from? I rarely even see anyone come out of these houses. When they leave, they go from the house to the garage to the car. Reverse when they come home in the evenings. 

Then tonight, a week later, while Den and I were talking about it, I commented to him how except for that one neighbor who came over, we still didn't see anyone last Sunday...even though they were being helpful. 

I thought to myself....does this count for any kind of a relationship?

And then Den said something that sort of woke me up from that thinking. He said, "This younger generation communicates differently."

I had to pause and take that in and then I said, "I guess I need to remind myself that this is not the 1980s or 90s, right?"

He agreed, "This generation would not know how to function back then." 

Perhaps odd, but I felt better. I thought...yes, we are making progress. We are surrounded by people who care. 

We may not be able to see them. 
But we know they are definitely there!

PS We had Donald P Dick come out the next afternoon and install a new capacitor, 
and all was well again. 

Were our visitors sad or happy?

I'm fairly certain these pictures were candid.
I don't think they had a clue I was taking them.

And I know they don't care. 

So that's why I kept snapping away with no volume.

Why do our visitors look like this? 

Was it something we said?

We were happier when they perked up.

Sometimes we would lose two of our guests 
as they went searching for cookies.

After the cookies, Téa made her own entertainment, apparently.

Sometimes they just need to sit on the floor.

My guess is Logan was talking politics in this one. 
He does have opinions!

3 out of 4 happy is not bad!

We love our family just the way they are. 

Gotta love those eyes.

I think they like us...they stayed until the sun went down!

Jack's proud moment

Jack could hardly believe his good fortune  when they put the 4 year olds in charge of the fire!