Tyler's email yesterday

With Tyler's permission, here's what he sent me yesterday. 
I'm still thinking about it.....what causes the decline, 
especially in 2017. 

Mom, You’re gonna think this is a weird way of saying thanks.

I saw this chart this morning about the births per woman in the United States from 1960 to 2016:

I think it’s interesting that you had all of your children in some of the most unpopular childbearing years (of the past 55-60 years).

So, uh…thanks!

I saw in my healthcare newsfeed this morning that 2017 was the lowest number of births (not births per woman) in the U.S. since 1987. I think this will continue to decline as motherhood becomes less popular. I hope I’m wrong.



Anonymous said...

It is an interesting Thank You note!

I wonder if this study includes the Amish population; most of our Amish friends have oodles of children. Motherhood is alive and well with them! pjc

Richard said...

Tyler must be the youngest...

Grandma Honey said...

I'm missing something here. What do you mean by that?

Richard said...

LIFO...it's an accounting term. Last in first out. In this context, the last child into the brood (Tyler) is the first out with expressions of gratitude for large families.

Anonymous said...

That means I did too. Could have fooled me, because all the women around me were having babies in the 70s and 80s. It's now that I notice women refraining from parenthood. Maybe because I don't run in the same circles I used to? My generation is long over their childbearing years. But, I would think that, as a Mormon, you would still have your finger on the pulse of young families. At least Mormon families!
So glad I raised our kids when I did.


Susan Anderson said...

I love that he appreciates your commitment to motherhood, even during such a time as the 1970s. And I love that he even researched such a thing. So cool!

Grandma Honey said...

Hi Sue...research is Tyler's profession. He's an actuary. I had 2 babies in the 1970s and 2 in the 80s. I think probably about the same time you were having yours. :)

Grandma Honey said...

Darlene...Yep, babies are still being born in my world. I think it's much much tougher now than when we were raising ours!

krheasley said...

I will say that it does feel a little strange seeing so many of my high school (non-LDS) friends only just now having their first babies, or maybe maybe their second--if they are even having babies at all. When here I am on my fourth! I was talking with my best friend (who is pregnant with her third) and mentioning that I'm not even sure I see the value of a big social media announcement for our next babies. It just feels sort of old hat by now.

Look what happened last night

  Just a little pre-graduating gathering for our DIL Amy.... Not everyday a Mom of 7 and a Grandma of 7, graduates from college. It was not ...